Our hands define us as human beings. Our hands allow us to care for ourselves, care for others, and make a difference in the world. Dr. Landstrom is Board Certified and specializes in the diagnosis and treatment of hand, wrist and elbow disorders and carpal tunnel syndrome.
About us
Our specialty and expertise in hand surgery on Guam includes full diagnostic and treatment modalities that one would expect for treatment administered in the continental United States, Europe, and centers of excellence in the Philippines.
We are certified by the American Board of Medical Specialties (ABMS) in hand surgery, microsurgery and general surgery. ABMS, recognized as the 'Gold Standard' in physician certification, believes that higher standards for physicians means better care for patients.
At Pacific Hand Surgery Center, you consult and entrust the care of your hands and arms to an ABMS board certified and qualified hand surgeon who is specifically trained to diagnose and treat all problems related to all the medical structures of the hand, wrist, forearm and elbow for the best possible patient satisfaction, through the latest evidence-based medical care and continued Maintenance of Competency (MOC) required by ABMS.
Dr. Landstrom is Board Certified by the American Board of Medical Specialties in hand surgery, microsurgery and general surgery, and specializes in the diagnosis and treatment of hand, wrist, and elbow disorders and carpal tunnel syndrome.
For the highest standard in soft tissue and orthopedic care of the hand, wrist, and elbow, entrust yourself and your patients' care to a board certified surgeon.